The Georgia Assembly Store

We are the Unincorporated Land and Soil Jurisdiction!

The Georgia Assembly is populated by ordinary Georgians who are exercising their power as the source of all delegated powers in government.
We are the self-governing body politic that ensures that government is lawful, accountable and responsible to the people.

Our Georgia Assembly is Dedicated to:

  • the restoration of a complete and fully operational land and soil jurisdiction State and County court system serving the people of Georgia,
  • the preservation of the National Trust,
  • the enforcement of the Public Law,
  • the upholding of the Federal Constitution owed to our State and People,
  • the re-population of our land and soil jurisdiction,
  • the filling of vacated Public Offices, and
the reclamation of our material and intellectual public and private assets.

The Major goal and focus for Assemblies,

is getting the ‘Pillars’ of the Assembly up and running and fully “populated” with people who have corrected their political status
Foreign entities are masquerading as our government. One third of our Federal Government is missing. It was warehoused in 1868 by British/Scottish sympathizers in the U.S. Territorial Congress. Officially, our true federal government has been “held in abeyance” for over 150 years awaiting action by the sovereign States of the Union. The action required is to “reconstruct” the States of America. There are fifty American state republics, not one.
The States (meaning Maryland, Georgia, New Hampshire, etc…) formed a Federation of States known as “the Union”. This Union of States came to be on September 9, 1776, and adopted the doing-business-as-name: The United States of America, a Holding Company.
Beyond the Federation, the States split off another type of union called a Confederation of States known as the States of America, formed under the Articles of Confederation on March 1, 1781. The Confederation’s members were all “States of States” such as The State of Maryland, The State of Georgia, The State of New Hampshire, etc… These are the original Federal States of States which “went missing” after the Civil War. They are the doing-business entities of the actual States of the Union, which must be conducting our business for us.
Instead, these original “States of States” doing business under the name of, as an example, “The” State of Washington, were deceptively replaced by British Territorial entities doing business as “the” State Washington. The difference between “The” State of Washington and “the” State of Washington went either unnoticed or was not understood by the unaware population for what it was… an undisclosed and appalling Breach of Trust by the British Government, which then and now seeks to hide its fraudulent actions
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The Georgia Assembly

The Georgia Assembly is accomplishing real change.

We are forming our courts called Jural Assemblies and we are developing a Peace Keeping Force which reboots the Land Jurisdiction County Sheriffs.

We are teaching people how to respond to the predatory practices of foreign courts, the IRS, and all other agencies that are abusing their power to entrap people through false contracting.

We are restoring our Lawful government and we are asking for your participation!  Our effort is not about politics, it is about criminality and lack of accountability.